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Integrity Standards

Interim Policy Approved by the Provost's Office July 1, 2024

Academic Dishonesty Policy

A student suspected of academic dishonesty will be subject to a formal university process to determine if they are responsible. If found responsible, they will receive a sanction associated with the assignment or course.

Academic dishonesty is any behavior intended to promote or enhance a student’s academic standing at the University by dishonest means. Acts of academic dishonesty are offenses against established standards of the academic community and the University’s Honor Code. All suspected acts of academic dishonesty are initially subject to review by the Academic Integrity Officer (AIO).

Acts of academic dishonesty are considered cheating under the University’s Honor Code, and include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Submitting work done by another as one’s own.

  • Submitting academic work for credit more than once, whether in whole or in part, in the same course or different courses without the approval of the instructor who is responsible for assigning credit to the work.

  • Giving or receiving unauthorized aid on any assignment or examination.

  • Altering any University form, record, or document, or forging the signature of any University instructor or official.

  • Interfering with, or attempting to interfere with, the access of others to the University computer system, or any part thereof, copying computer files, diskettes, programs, software, or manuals without proper authority, or tampering in any way with the integrity of University records or systems.

  • Interfering with, or attempting to interfere with, the fair and equal access of others to the use of the University libraries or other academic resources.

  • Committing plagiarism, which is the use of words, ideas, concepts, or work of another, without proper acknowledgment.

  • Using false citations.

  • Submitting false data.

  • Copyright infringement.

All suspected acts of academic dishonesty will be reported promptly to the AIO. Upon receipt of the report, the AIO will communicate with the student to review the charge. The student will have the option to accept or deny the charge.

Academic Integrity Procedures are sent to students upon notification of the report of an incident of academic dishonesty in a Norwich University course. If a student accepts responsibility or is found responsible, they will be found responsible for violating the University Honor Code.

The Academic Integrity Committee

The Academic Integrity Committee (AIC) is comprised of faculty and staff from residential and online programs and is chaired by the AIO. The AIC is responsible to the Faculty Senate for the implementation of University regulations involving violations of academic integrity. Decisions of the AIC may be appealed to the Senior Associate Provost.