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Corporate Finance II
Business & Management Programs
College of Graduate & Continuing Studies
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Corporate Finance II
FNCE 407 is an advanced corporate finance course that focuses on the decisions that corporate finance managers must make in order to operate and grow the company while reducing financial and operating risk. Based on the concept of Capital Budgeting, this course explores the use of capital by corporations, and the cost of using external vs internal funds, for corporate operations and growth. Potential sources of capital are reviewed and strategies that a corporation can take to attract capital at the lowest cost. Short and long term financial planning will be explored as well as the various funding sources for short term working capital and long term grow/investment capital. The importance of international and corporate financing options will be explored. 3 Lecture hours. Prerequisites: FNCE 350, FNCE 351, Grade of C or higher. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Course Typically Offered
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Max Credits Repeatable
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College of Graduate & Continuing Studies