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Business of Being an Artist
Architecture & Art
College of Professional Schools
Subject Code
Business of Being an Artist
This course explores the opportunities for being a professional artist in the corporate, educational, and nonprofit world as well as being an independent, self employed artist. Topics to be covered include; how artists set prices for their artwork, market themselves and their work, and sell their work directly to the public, corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. Students will learn about the exhibition opportunities for their work and how galleries and museums arrange sales and commissions of artist's works. The course will also explore how artists set up contractual relationships with art dealers, auctioneers, and commissioning clients. Students will learn how to apply for loans, grants, and fellowships, and respond to requests for proposals of artistic works. The course will cover the areas of US and international law that concern art and artists (e.g. copyright, trademark, and patent laws). Permission of instructor. Offered: Fall.
Course Typically Offered
Maximum Variable Credits
Number of Course Repeats When Repeatable
Max Credits Repeatable
Department or School
College of Professional Schools