Program Director: David Ulbrich

Associate Program Director of Academics: John Broom


The Master of Arts in Military History program:

  • provides students with a base of historical knowledge within the field of military history,

  • builds an awareness of differing historical interpretations and the ability to synthesize diverse types of historical knowledge,

  • builds and refine student research, writing, analysis and presentation skills,

  • provides students with an introduction to historical pedagogy,

  • provides students with a foundation for developing a professional identity as a historian and,

  • helps students “learn to think like a historian” and develop “historiographical sensibilities” and “historical habits of mind.”

The Master of Arts in Military History curriculum is guided by the goals for history M.A. degrees outlined by the American Historical Association. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a base of historical knowledge, graduate-level historical research skills, an introduction to historical pedagogy, the foundation for an identity as a historian, and the “habits of mind” of a professional historian.

Master of Arts in Military History students come from a variety of different professions and seek to earn their M.A. in Military History for both personal and professional reasons. Many students who are professional educators utilize the Masters of Arts in Military History to further their expertise in the field of military history. The degree is also a means of professional development to military personnel who see the degree as highly relevant to their profession. A few students use the degree as preparation for further work in the field at the Ph.D. level.