Program Director, Henry Collier.

The Information Systems master's program prepares students for technical and managerial jobs in the field of information systems. The skills and competencies developed in this program prepare graduates for technical positions such as systems analyst, information architect, database administrator, or the managerial position of chief information officer, project manager, or webmaster.

In the online Information Systems (M.S.), the successful graduate will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Analyze and manage the full development life cycle for information systems projects,

  • Assist, advise, and educate people who lack the technical knowledge to identify and solve problems within a selected application domain,

  • Identify, assess, and manage the resources that sustain an organization’s technical infrastructure,

  • Assess and manage the strategic alignment of the information services organization using corporate strategy and objectives,

  • Use quantitative evaluation techniques with large datasets to analyze organizational questions,

  • Identify, analyze, and solve problems within a selected application domain (e.g. healthcare, education, manufacturing).